Keep an eye out for these ingredients!
Camellia Senesis
This is Tea! The same plant (Camellia Senesis) makes black, green, oolong, or white tea! Camellia Sinensis contains l-theanine, a beneficial compound that helps to reduce anxiety and promote relaxation and wellbeing. l-theanine doesn’t contribute to drowsiness or a lack of alertness. Instead, the l-theanine present in tea provides a soothing, calming effect without making you feel sleepy!
As the only caffeinated plant indigenous to North America, yaupon has a rich history of use among Native American tribes for both ceremonial and medicinal purposes. Today, yaupon is celebrated for its smooth, slightly sweet flavor and its energizing properties, owing to its natural caffeine content and the presence of theobromine, the mood-enhancing compound also found in chocolate.
Mamaki is a tea that is endemic to the islands of Hawaii. It has a flavor similar to an earthy green tea and provides amazing benefits! Mamaki not only reduces blood pressure and cholesterol, but it also helps circulation in the body. Many runners and bicyclist drink it for post-workout recovery. Most of Wynnwood Farms' Teas are now blended with Mamaki!